Masks, Ships, Oceans and Storms. Máscaras, navios, tempestades e oceanos.


You probably can´t see it, but the mask´s prints are cats. In opposition to the dogs. Those who went to Samsung´s adds, and what the hell was that? Competition? Pet´s weird claims? No. I have no idea. Jealously gets weird sensations. Weird feelings. But, at Joe Biden´s innauguration day, January 20th, the situation wasn´t calm and sunny as the photo. Behind me, a ship with a name: "Torm". Appropriated. Storm? Better. So, it was in there. I was just trying to walk close to the navy brazilian area, as motos and cars were surrounding the place. Helicopters flying over? For few minutes. Man, c´mon! Biden is in there! USA! My leather pants, a printed dress, and the shit. Unbelievable, a marines boat with the written "Ciaw 7" had just passed by me. Ok! I did wave to the guys. An autograph? I don´t play soccer. Another tricky game. But, as some 60, 80 men were surrounding the hotel i was, as morning of january 20th came, i understood i was Biden, i was transition of a new government, maybe, not exactly the white-chair (which color, Almighty?), but i was "trouble". Why? Ideas. Strong clear ID. Impact. A Storm again? Tsunami. My hair changed, only for few days. I wasnt´ Marilyn Chanel numero 5 that day. I had to escape later. What their problem with the Almighty? I was just thinking about guarantee my menu with pies, salmon, cofffee and cream, sunny days, but Biden was on the line. Green juices? Green salad? Green 02? Can we really breath? Covid19 isn´t something new in Rio. Government doesnt care. Cariocas dont even know if the have a governor. Nobody knows exactly who are in the place. So, i was the power-anger. The dispute that failed for some, but i´ve got my victory. The Almighty is responsible for some backstages. Not a flesh and bones stuff. Let´s do that click. The ship is passing by, behind me. Rome and Italy must be breathing a difficult time but trying to recover the economy, food, menu, fashion, style, and oceans. Time to raise up. Don´t steal my mobiles anymore. Do not threat me following my cellphones signs. TV on now. Wishing you or not. Oceans. Salty waters. Time to work and sun and fresh air. 
No dia da posse de Joe Biden, enquanto uns só queriam dizer que estavam perguntando alguma coisa para a secretária da secretária do informante, eu estava tentando andar pela área dos navios, enquanto as ruas em volta do hotel perto do Porto, Museu do Amanhã, estavam rodeadas por não sei quantos homens. E não eram daqueles bonitões. Motos circulavam. Passou um helicóptero. Até achei que tinham mudado o local da posse. Só que atrás só tinha navios de tempestade. TORM. Mas podia ser "Storm"> Eu ali, quase totalmente tranquila e solar. tirando foto, e passa uma embarcação da marinha, Ciaw 7. Acenei e rebolei. Fazer o que? Enquanto boa parte da mídia distorce tudo, e tenta fechar portas de lan houses e daqueles evangélicos que insistem em fornecer a verdade oculta, empurrar para frente, eu achei que os dias iam ser só de sol, canoli, drinks de café, piscina e chuva. Cafés da manhã fartos, e um recepcionista que falava ingles americano, frances, e o outro, um ignorante completo. Coisas de paredes, um Rio descontrolado em tudo, jogado à uma má sorte e governos descalcificados, tvs que acham que brincam com coisas perigosas, disputas por um poder de insistencia bulimatica, canseira, e  ninguém viu, porque é Netflix, dias de sol, e mares mais saudáveis. A pasta do restaurante estranho de Copa ficou farinhenta. Aí, em Ipanema, foi peixe grelhado, salmão, com salada. Melhor. Dias de sol nós fazemos. No pepperoni ou na sobremesa. É só dar um olé na concorrência. Facts first: gabarito nem todo mundo tem. Profissionais que se desgastam com o tempo. Novidades vindo do estilo ao navio, frutos do mar, do barbecue, passeios e sobrevoos rasantes. Mais altos, claro. Luxos e básicos. Queen na área, e quem tem boca vai à Roma. And everywhere. See ya! (RRomaTV - Rosaly Queen)
